Provision of quality
information resources and supporting the development of literacy including
information and research skills are priorities for the
Cairns High Library. Located on the corner of Grafton and Upward Streets the
Library is a welcoming space which offers students and staff access to a range
of quality literature and non-fiction texts as well as 24/7 access to online
resources. Students and staff can access the online catalogue
with links to online databases and useful research information at Library Online External link. Online
databases include Proquest eLibrary and JStor. Gale Virtual Reference
Library is a digital library with quality non-fiction eBooks.
Online digital video library
Clickview digital video library is available to all staff and students for access to
curriculum related video content.
- Login using EQ email address and select Forgot my password to set a preferred password.
Users will receive an email with a link to change the password.
Reading for pleasure is
widely recognised as supporting literacy across the curriculum and the
extensive collection of contemporary young adult fiction and classics provides an opportunity for students to extend their reading interests. Wheelers eLibrary External link allows access to eBooks
from school and home. Students register and download the appropriate app for
their device.
Recreational reading
The Library also provides recreational
activities during breaks such as The Fellowship of the Book
Reading Club for students in the Junior School, chess competitions, card and
strategy games. 
The Library is open from 7.30am until 4.00pm Monday to
Thursday and 7.30am to 3.00pm Friday. The full facilities of the Library
including internet access are available at these times.