Cairns State High School aims to ensure that students are supported by an environment that is organised and provides opportunities for students to achieve their best. The following policies outline expectations and procedures for the school community.
Administering medication and First Aid
At Cairns State High School, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for students, staff and volunteers. This commitment includes the health and safety of staff and students when conducting curriculum activities in the school or in other locations. Occasionally, it is a requirement that medication be administered or first aid is rendered. The purpose of this policy is to provide information to Parents, Carers and Staff in relation to administering medication and rendering first aid.
Annual Improvement Plan 2025
Annual Improvement Plan 2025 documents the school's explicit improvement agenda over 12 months in relation to the priorities in the School Strategic Plan. The AIP includes the School Data Plan as an appendix.
The School Data Plan indicates how data will be used to inform practice aligned with student learning and achievement, engagement and wellbeing, and culture and inclusion, school improvement and strategic planning.
Assessment policy Years 7 to 10
These policies have been developed to inform students, parents/caregivers, and teachers of the key principles and assessment requirements at Cairns State High School. The aim is to maximize the opportunity for students to demonstrate what they know and can do. The process is designed to ensure fairness to all students carrying out assessment tasks.
Assessment policy Years 11-12
This assessment policy applies to students when they enter the Senior Phase of Learning at the school. The Senior Assessment Policy is enacted from Semester 2 of Year 10, with the first 6 months allowing students and families to learn and understand the required QCAA policies and procedures that must be adhered to. in Year 11 and 12, the policy is fully enacted and expected to be followed. Current the policy is under review pending QCAA senior syllabus implementation 2019
Common Forms - Senior Assessment Policy
Attendance Policy
Cairns State High School expects that every student will attend school every day of the school year unless prevented by reasonable circumstances from doing so. Cairns State High School attendance policy aims to maximise participation in learning programs by all students.
(Last reviewed 10 September 2018)
Code of Conduct for Students (2024/5)
The Code of Conduct for students 2024/5 has been updated to reflect changes to the Mobile Phone ban put in place by the Queensland government in 2024 and the criteria for participation in learning activities outside the normal pattern, called 'Good Standing'.
(Last reviewed 13 August 2024)
Complaints Management Procedure
At Cairns State High School, we ask parents, carers, students or community members who would like to make a complaint, complete the complaint form and email or visit the school offices to complete in person.
Should you have a complaint about a staff member or school process/policy, please email
Issues which you believe are beyond resolution at school level can be submitted to
Computer Use policy
Cairns State High School offers Internet access for student use. Cairns State High School aims to develop students as competent, responsible, independent users of information technology. This policy (PDF, 511KB) outlines the school's expectations of students and student responsibilities.
(Last reviewed 26 November 2018)
Electronic Devices Policy
rom Term 1, 2024 all student mobile phones and wearable devices such as smart watches will need to be ‘away for the day’ including during break times. The clear and consistent focus of Cairns State High School is on quality teaching/learning, wellbeing, attainment/achievement and internationalism. Mobile phones for the purposes of this document include portable music players, smart watches and air buds/earphones.
As per the policy, there are certain curriculum activities where the use of personal devices is allowable. Teachers will communicate this to students, and an approved list is published above.
(Last reviewed 5 December 2023)
Homework policy
The Cairns State High School Homework policy (PDF, 772KB) explains the rationale for homework and also clears outlines students, parent/carer and teacher responsibilities.
(Last reviewed 10 September 2018)
Priority Learning Area Agreement
This agreement identifies Cairns State High School's Priority Learning Areas (PLAs) and the allocation of teacher aide time.
The school values its teachers aide team and has for many years held the belief that quality support personnel working with students in classrooms results in improved learning outcomes, especially in the core areas of literacy and numeracy.
Refund policy
The purpose of the refund policy (PDF, 866KB) is to provide information to Parents and Carers in relation to the requirements and policy for issuing refunds.
(Last reviewed 6 November 2018)
Sun Smart Policy
Be sun smart. Cairns State High School recognises the importance of being smart in the sun. As part of this we encourage students to access shaded areas around the school when they are sitting outside during the breaks.
CSHS Sunsmart Policy (PDF 256kb)(Reviewed 10/02/2025)
The graphic below is designed to alert you to the time of the day during which the UV index is highest. During these times you should limit your time in the sun and use appropriate sun protection.
Strategic Plan 2025-2028
The four-year
Strategic Plan 2025 - 2028 is informed by the recent verified school-led review (2024) and is the school's succinct statement to its community about what the school wants to achieve in the future and how it plans to get there. The School Strategic Plan includes descriptions of:
• the vision and purpose of education in the local context;
• the values that students, staff and community are expected to demonstrate;
• what the school is going to focus on over the next four years, with associated targets/success criteria; and
• how the school is going to do this (strategies and resourcing).
This long-term strategic planning allows schools to focus attention and allocate resources to what matters most.
Toilet and Changeroom Facility Policy
The school recognises that well-maintained toilet facilities where
students feel comfortable and safe and have open access to throughout the school day, are essential for health, wellbeing, and learning.
We value and respect our students and want them to be able to benefit from good provision and practice. The aim of this policy is to provide clear policy guidance for our students, staff and families as to the appropriate use and supervision of these spaces to ensure they are well looked after.
(Last reviewed 5 December 2023)
Uniform policy
Cairns State High is a 'uniform school'.
Uniform is to be worn with pride and standards are monitored strictly. Our Policy was updated in 2021 to reflect the finalisation of the change to the current formal and sports uniforms (with an additional year of changeover put in place due to Covid19 pandemic).
Students 7-12 wear their formal uniform for the day when their Year Level assembly takes place, and also on days of Whole School Assembly (Monday Week Six)
Every student (and their parent/carers) signs an agreement to follow the uniform policy when enrolling at the school. All students are expected to purchase a formal uniform and a sports uniform at commencement. A uniform ensures equity, promotes the school's positive image in the community and creates a sense of belonging to this great Queensland school. The school uniform is endorsed by the P&C Association.
The formal uniform has been re-imagined so that it is more 'uniform' across the year levels and therefore can be worn across Junior/Senior and/or re-sold second hand when your child has a growth spurt. It is worn without the blazer when in general use. For special occasions we carry a limited number of blazers which students borrow on teacher direction.
Student participation in school events comes with an expectation that the correct, specified uniform is worn properly. Whenever all students are required to wear formal uniform, or sport uniform, either at whole school event, on a specific day, or on excursion for example, they will be notified by their teacher.
The sport uniform was formerly referred to as the 'day' uniform however it is now acceptable for both the formal and sport uniform to be worn as the 'day' uniform on regular school days. The sport uniform will be specified for some particular days where physical activity may feature. The formal uniform is required to be worn on many other specific occasions, events, excursions, however may be worn any day by students if they like. Students are to wear their uniform with pride and present themselves in a neat, clean and tidy manner at all times, whether wearing the uniform in school, on excursion or out in the community. Formal and sport uniform cannot be mixed.
Sporting teams may have additional team wear, the musical has a shirt which can be worn for specific period of time and seniors have a shirt and jersey which can be worn as part of the sports uniform. (Jerseys cannot be worn as part of the formal uniform.)
The school carries no uniform stock for general borrowing.
Our uniform is smart, modern, consistent, and we have worked hard with suppliers to keep it affordable. The Cairns High Shop sells all uniform items to meet the requirements of the Uniform Policy, as well as stationery starter packs and scientific calculators.
Hoodies and crocs are totally banned.
The shop is on Sheridan Street and uniforms can be purchased via email, telephone or directly from the Shop during opening hours, or at any time via
flexischools (website or app).
(Last reviewed 24 January 2024)