Oriniginally published as a news article 11/08/2018
NAIDOC celebrations saw the launch of the new Cairns State High Yindinji shield round out week 5 at school.

Mr Dustin Stewart, a local Yidinji man and HPE teacher at the school, is the artist behind the shield which by its nature signifies the school’s connection with the First Nation’s people from this country. The design shows our important location between Ocean and Mountains, the connections established for and by students, their strength and the range of pathways after school and origins into the school.
I am very proud to have been part of the process. Over the coming months, we will have a new Community Education Counsellor and will also form a strong team of stakeholders to move our draft Reconciliation Plan to reality in celebration of the history we will share.
I am particularly excited to see future opportunities for students to learn and experience Yindinji culture and language over the coming 12 months. The shield has been subtly incorporated into the new sport shirt design for Junior and Senior students.