Cairns State High is a 'uniform school'. Uniform is to be worn with pride and standards are monitored strictly. Our Policy was updated in 2021 to reflect the finalisation of the change to the current formal and sports uniforms (with an additional year of changeover put in place due to Covid19 pandemic). The sport uniform was formerly referred to as the 'day' uniform however both the formal and sport uniform may be worn as the 'day' uniform on regular school days.
Every student (and their parent/carers) sign an agreement to follow the uniform policy when enrolling at the school. All students are expected to purchase a formal uniform and a sports uniform at commencement. A uniform ensures equity, promotes the school’s positive image in the community and creates a sense of belonging to this great Queensland school. The school uniform is endorsed by the P&C Association.
The formal uniform has been re-imagined so that it is more 'uniform' across the year levels and therefore can be worn across Junior/Senior and/or re-sold second hand when your child has a growth spurt. It is worn without the blazer when in general use. For special occasions we carry a limited number of blazers which students borrow.
Student participation in school events comes with an expectation that the correct, specified uniform is worn properly. Whenever all students are required to wear formal uniform, or sport uniform, either at whole school event, on a specific day, or on excursion for example, they will be notified by their teacher.
The formal uniform is required to be worn on many specific occasions, however may be worn daily by students if they like. Students are to wear their uniform with pride and present themselves in a neat, clean and tidy manner at all times, whether wearing the uniform in school, on excursion or out in the community. Formal and sport uniform cannot be mixed.
Sporting teams may have additional team wear, the musical has a shirt which can be worn for specific period of time and senior have a shirt and jersey which can be worn as part of the sports uniform. (Jerseys cannot be worn as part of the formal uniform.)
The school carries no uniform stock for general borrowing.
Our uniform is smart, modern, consistent, and we have worked hard with suppliers to keep it affordable. The Cairns High Shop sells all uniform items to meet the requirements of the
Uniform Policy, as well as stationery starter packs and scientific calculators.
Hoodies and crocs are totally banned.
The shop is on Sheridan Street and uniforms can be purchased via email, telephone or directly from the Shop during opening hours, or at any time via flexischools (website or app).
Opening times
The Uniform Shop hours are Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00am to 12 noon. You can also order online through flexischools.
Regular Trading Hours
| 8:00am to 12:00pm
| Closed
| 8:00am to 12:00pm
| Closed
Online ordering
Download the flexischools app from the App store or Google Play or register on their website (
Information about setting up your mobile app click here.
Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, please contact the flexischools Customer Service Team on 1300 361 769, or via their website.

We hope this supports families with a more convenient and efficient process for purchasing uniforms.
* Note: Black leather, polishable, lace up traditional school shoes only with formal uniform.