There are multiple other opportunities for you to help the school become an even better place to be the best we can be - and these are detailed below:
1. Helping our community
2. Old Scholars give back
3. Team/Activity/Event sponsorship
4. A financial donation (to be used for any priority as determined by the school)
Please complete General Sponsorship Agreement if you wish to participate. For further information on becoming a Sponsor, please email at

We are grateful to the following for their generous support of the school 2024:
Piccone's IGA Community Benefits donation is credited into our bank account each term. This donation is calculated by the number of points accumulated to your organisation at Piccones IGA Edmonton & Pease Street. Don't forget to nominate Cairns State High when shopping at Piccone's.

Bill Turner State Finals: Supported by LynKen, Stopford Memorial Fund and Marano's Fuel
Thank you the supports of the 2024 P&C 80s Trivia night 13/07/2024
- Autobarn Cairns
- Cairns Amateurs
- Cairns Aquarium
- Cairns Corporate PA Hire
- Clark Rubber
- German Club Cairns
- Goong Restaurant
- Limberlost
- Mamu Tropical Skywalk
- Marano's Fuel
- Muddies
- OMG Donuts
- Paronella Park
- Quicksilver Group
- Wholelife Pharmacy
- Zarrafa's Coffee
Cairns State High students are heading to Cambodia to learn and support New Hope so we thank supporters whose generosity will aid the efforts of New Hope Cambodia and many, many children:
- Business Liaison Association Cairns: Navigating Narratives
- Confucius Institute: Y9-10 Chinese Camp
- Coral Coast Financial Services: U15 Bill Turner Football Team
- La Pizza : U15 Bill Turner Football
- Lynken Trust: Musical, Bill Turner Football, Peninsula and Queensland Sport Representatives
- Michael Healy MLA Cairns, Minister for Sport and Tourism: U15 Bill Turner Football
- Twomey Schriber: U15 Bill Turner Football
Giving programs
You can be involved in helping our community
Many in our community experienced devastation during the recent flooding. P&C are supporting families who need a helping hand in 2024 with a set of sport uniform, a stationery pack and a voucher for Cairns Central towards the purchase of shoes. We have also purchased additional laptops to provide to students who lost their own as a result of inundation of the home.
We are now looking to our community to assist our students in need. Your support will help those who are facing cost of living stress and/or are recovering from floods. Your financial support will mean students will be provided with a formal uniform skirt/trousers, shirt and tie which is needed for excursions, representing the school and formal interviews and events. Our aim is to ensure that every child is able to participate in our school community without feeling left out on days we have formal uniform as the code of dress required. The formal uniform gives students a great sense of pride in their appearance, and school. They look smashing. Professional and modern, the uniform is oriented to the type of wear one would see in the business world and students who have their uniform - even the younger ones are expressing the maturity and professional look it generates.
Are you able to donate funds for a set (or 10) of formal uniform? Each pack is $165 and provides the formal uniform needs/child (Year 7-12)
- 1 x Pants/Skirt Formal $45.00
- 1 x Shirt/Blouse $45.00
- 1 x Tie $25.00
- $50 support to Shoes
Thank you for considering supporting our young people at this traumatic time.
Old Scholars give back
We also welcome direct support from past students through our 'give back program' by making a donation, bequest or establish a trust.
These funds can support capital works, school programs, student scholarships or provide a laptop, a valuable learning resource in today's classroom, for a student experiencing challenges in their life.
Similarly skills and services may be offered to progress programs, classes or formal committees such as School Council.