
Enrolling at our school


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Enrolling at Cairns State High1.gifThere are THREE pathways f​or entry to Cairns State High School 2026 (and two for 2025 enrolments)​

1. Programs of Excellence (2026 Year 7 only)

The POE expression of interest form is now open​.​​

Information session is scheduled for Tuesday 4 March, 2025 in Bou-Wa at 4pm

2026 POE Enrolment info.png
POE Program25.png

Year 7 2026 POE Audition Dates.png

We are not able to offer any positions in Year 8-11 COE programs for 2026.

The school is working at capacity.

​2. Enrolling in 7-12 as an in-catchment applicant 

  • 2025 enrolments are welcome at any time.
  • 2026 commencement Year 7 and are currently residing in catchment and will continue to do so - submit Term 2, 2025
  • 2026 commencement Years 8-12 - Out of catchment applications will be accepted from Term 3, 2024 and reviewed regularly.​​​

Prospective students who live within our catchment are entitled to a position in the school, there are several steps to undertake which provide the school with the necessary evidence to determine proof of residential address.  

Please note: 

Applicants must supply documentary evidence which satisfies the Executive Principal that the address provided is the main place of residence, has been and is likely to remain so. You cannot just rent somewhere in catchment for 6 months and claim it as your main residence.  

  • Applications received before the student and their family have actually relocated to either the Cairns area and/or have taken up residence at the property noted on the Application for student enrolment form cannot be accepted. Only applications which have submitted all the documentary evidence as listed within the website ​can be processed. 

An officer of the school may conduct a home visit to verify claims made in the application process. Making a false declaration will lead to a referral to the Queensland Police Service. 

For more information you can view the In-Catchment Application video presentation. 

To apply, please complete and submit the following to the Principal for consideration: 

  • The Enrolment Application Form (see link to right)  
  • Three Proofs of residential address documents certified by a Justice of the Peace
    • Certified copy of current lease agreement or most recent Rates Notice or Settlement Statement if newly purchased 
    • Certified copy of most recent electricity invoice or printed copy of Ergon account welcome email if recently moved.
    • Local Area Statutory declaration (see link on right)
  • Copy of Birth Certificate  ​
  • Copy of Australian Citizenship certificate (if applicable) 
  • Copy of Visa Grant Notice’s (not Bridging VISA) and Passport’s of student and parent (if residing under visa conditions) 
  • Copy of documents regarding medical and/or learning/disability support requirements (if applicable) 
  • Copy of Court Orders (if applicable) 
  • Copy of most recent report card (All applicants)  
  • NAPLAN (All applicants for Year 7-10)  

Please submit the enrolment application form and relevant supporting documents as a PDF attachment to or in person to Reception located on the corner of Sheridan and Upward Streets. 

There is no fee with this category of application. 

If there is a child from your family who currently attends Cairns State High School and enrolled as in-catchment, subsequent children are entitled to enrol as siblings of in-catchment no matter where you now live. The 'sibling rule' does not apply to younger siblings of POE out of catchment.  

3. Applying 7-12 an​​d living outside catchment

​Students who live outside the Cairns State High School catchment (refer catchment map link) are unfortunately not able to be automatically offered enrolment in the school. We are currently not able to accept out of catchment enrolments for 2025.

  • Should there be sufficient capacity to bring in additional students, they are offered placement based on the order of their application to the school.  Parents/Carers will be contacted should a position arise.  
  • Applications received before the student and their family have actually relocated to either the Cairns area and/or have taken up residence at the property noted on the Application for student enrolment form cannot be accepted. Only applications which have submitted all the documentary evidence as listed within the website can be processed. ​

To apply, please complete and submit the following to the Executive Principal for consideration: 

  • The enrolment application form  
  • Copy of Birth Certificate 
  • Copy of Australian Citizenship certificate (if applicable) 
  • Copy of Visa Grant Notice’s (not Bridging VISA) and Passport’s of student and parent ​(if residing under visa conditions) ​
  • A student hand written statement outlining reason for applying or special circumstances which should be considered by the Executive Principal, Cairns State High School (max. 200 words) 
  • Copy of documents regarding medical and/or learning/disability support requirements (if applicable) 
  • Copy of Court Orders (if applicable) 
  • Copy of most recent report card (All applicants)  
  • NAPLAN (All applicants for Year 7-10) 

Please submit the enrolment application form and relevant supporting documents as a PDF attachment to or in person to Reception located on the corner of Sheridan and Upward Streets. 


There is no fee with this category of application. ​

If you think there are reasons why the Executive Principal should consider your enrolment application, please submit a written statement with the requested documentation in addition to the student statement as outline above.​​

​Notification of outcome - applying current year

Parent/carer 1 of successful applicants will be contacted and an enrolment interview with the Deputy Principal organised to set up the student's commencement at Cairns State High School.  

 * Please note Interstate and non-state school enrolments: In accordance with section 387(3) of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (Qld), the Principal may formally request a transfer note and copies of any documents mentioned in the transfer note from your previous OR current school.​

Next Steps​ before interview​​
* Complete the Parent Survey
* Student completes the Welcome & Onboarding survey
* Review the New Enrolment page​

​Parent/carer 1 of unsuccessful applicants will be advised via email advising the application will be placed on a waiting list for the entirety of the year applied for. Should there be sufficient capacity to bring in additional​ students, they are offered placement based on the order of their application to the school.  Parents/carer 1 will be contacted should a position arise.

Please check the 'Junk' folder within your emails as correspondence can, at times, be redirected there by your server.

Appealing an enrolment decision

The Principal is responsible for all decisions on enrolments.

Where a Principal forms a preliminary view that an application will not succeed, applicants will be notified in writing. Applicants may respond to the Principal's preliminary view by making a submission to the Principal, no later than seven (7) school days after receiving the preliminary view letter.

If no submission is received, the Principal's preliminary view will be treated as the final decision and no further notice will be provided.

If a submission is received, the Principal will consider the submission and make a final decision. A final decision notice will be provided to the applicant as soon as is practicable. There is no internal review of the Principal's decision.

Please direct your submission appealing the enrolment decision to the Executive Principal, Mr Zilm by email:


Last reviewed 04 March 2025
Last updated 04 March 2025