Welcome to Cairns State High!

Being a student at Cairns State High School is an opportunity to 'be the best we can be'. There are so many opportunities to chase your dreams and achieve your personal best!
The school website contains all the information you need so spending some time exploring all the options and tabs is very worthwhile. We have gathered some of the most relevant information for you on this page to hopefully save some time.
We are also very keen to learn more about you and what you are hoping to achieve by coming to Cairns State High so the New Student Information Collection survey is a really important way of communicating all kinds of information to us. Please complete the questions in it with all the information you can, and if more information is needed, then I encourage you to phone us and make an appointment to share the story, successes and concerns. A positive from connecting with us is that we can put plans in place with you before your child even starts.
If your child is coming from a local Primary School, we are also working with them to share learning and wellbeing information so that we have a full and clear picture of what works best for your child.
I am happy that we will be working together in this learning and wellbeing journey. I look forward to connecting with you in the near future in person.
Christopher Zilm,
Executive Principal
You will need purchase one set of formal uniform and (at least) one set of sport uniform.

Connect here with our Guiding Statement
The Cairns State High Guiding Statement establishes the school’s direction, defines its purpose and sets the school’s educational goals. Teaching and learning, the school’s planning and decision making processes, its policies and its operational systems align closely with the values and beliefs expressed in the guiding statement.
Connect here with our Wellbeing focus
The student services team manage student attendance and absence data. If a student is absent please phone the student absence line 40503066 or email studentabsences@cairnsshs.eq.edu.au.
Students are supported by a number of support personnel. There are also a variety of programs offered depending on student needs.
Connect here with our focus on 21st Century Learning
Connect here with School Processes and Policies
- Administering medicine
- Anti-Bullying
- Attendance
- Assessment
- Computer Use
- Homework
- Refund policy
- Uniform
- The Uniform Policy includes specific information about appropriate footwear and jewellery specific information about appropriate footwear and jewellery.
- Fees, payments and refund process/forms
- The School uniform shop is also online!
Connect here with Organisational Matters
- Resource Scheme and fees
- School Hours
- School Map Cairns High is located on a 5ha block on the corner of Sheridan and Upward Streets.
- School Terms School terms are set by the Queensland Government and may change slightly from year to year.
- Buses - Cairns High is serviced by services provided by Kinetic and Love buses with drop off points in the immediate vicinity of the school. School Bus Application Information.
- Drop Off Zones: Grafton Street is a one-way North bound street between Upward and Gatton Streets. There is clear signage for parking and drop off lanes. Students may wait for parents/carers in a fenced safety area between the BUS ONLY lane and car Drop (or collect) & Go Zone.
- Parents/carers are requested to adhere to the following Do’s and Don’ts to maximise safety for students and other people in the school community utilising this area.
- Only use the Drop and Go Zone
- Only drop off and collect from the Drop and Go Zone
- Drive as far north as possible along the Drop and Go Zone before dropping off/collecting to allow for
- maximum number of cars to enter the zone.
- After 3.00pm move on if your child is not loading or in sight
- Don’t enter the BUS ONLY lane even if it is empty
- Don’t stop or drop/collect from the roadway. This is very unsafe and is illegal.
- Don’t park at the start of the Drop and Go Zone. This prevents others from entering the zone.
- Don’t park in the Drop & Go Zone for more than 2 or 3 minutes
Connect with us
Staff is listed in in the Our Staff section of the website. The list gives staff faculties and other roles, contact numbers and email via the staff name on the page. Email is the most effective way to contact a busy teacher directly.
The Bulldog newsletter is published three times per term and is emailed home. There is an archive located on the school website. We also use the newsletter platform for excursion notes/electronic permissions and messages/bulletins that need to be issues at short notice.
The school uses a message SMS service to notify families of an unexplained absence, broadcast important reminders of share information about practice, false and real emergencies.
It is therefore vital to notify the school if there is a change in mobile phone number or email.
The P&C meets on the third Tuesday of every month at the Library from 5.30pm. All parents and carers welcome. Voluntary contributions can be made to support the P&C via the form on P&C page.
Contact the secretary: 2005_PandCSecretary@eq.edu.au
The education Department conducts an annual survey of parents/carers, students (Year 8,11) and staff. If you are involved in this process, the information you provide is used to guide our direction and assess our progress.
We also run an ongoing anonymous online survey which is collected each week. Issues raised go directly to the Executive Principal for action. If you provide your name and email, he will get back to you.
Our Facebook page is one way to keep up to date with current events in the school and there are many photos and celebrations marked as they happen. A great way to stay in touch https://www.facebook.com/CairnsStateHigh/