Belonging is very important
for children’s mental health and wellbeing. Children who feel that they belong
at school are happier, more relaxed and have fewer behavioural problems than
other students. They are also more motivated to learn and be more successful
with their school work. Research into children’s mental health has found that a
sense of belonging and connectedness at school helps to protect children
against mental health difficulties and improves their learning. []
We create a sense of belonging by developing connections
Connect teachers meet with each
student at least two times per year to review progress and check in with the
young person to check in on:
- Relationships and emotions
- Rest & play and spirituality
- School/work and organisation
- Care for body and Resilience

Starting at school
Right from the very start, we collect information about every new student and then share this with our teaching teams.
Year 6 students (along with parents and carers) engage in a transition program in the form of a series of information and familiarisation sessions. Students enrolling in a Centre of Excellence will work with the leaders of these program in groups and individually. A program of interviews provides all other students with an opportunity to give us information individually.
Students coming in to other Year Levels will meet with the relevant Head of School and be introduced to the Year Coordinator who will help with the induction to the school.
Connect program and teacher
Character strengths underpin the Connect program delivered to
students in Year 7-9 by their connect teacher.

Students in Year 10 are prepared for their senior studies and engage in extensive career education.
Year 11 and 12 students attend a number of workshops and events targeting study skills, health and career development.
Support and services
The support team consists of a part time chaplain, a School Based Youth Health Nurse and Community Education Counsellor. They connect students with a range of social and welfare programs available in the community
The Learning Support team delivers a range of in class support and help hub
The school offers the Stars (girls) and Clontarf Academy (boys) programs for Indigenous students.
Case management occurs for every student of the school. At the end of every reporting juncture (Term 1, Sem 1, Sem 2);
Achievement is reviewed
High achievement and improvement is acknowledged
Effort and behaviour levels are used to determine student engagement.
In an ongoing manner:
- Positive behaviours are recorded and acknowledged;
- Behaviour referrals and consequences are tracked;
- Attendance is monitored daily;
- Referrals to support team occur when issues emerge;
In Senior School in particular:
- Being on track to attaining QCE is monitored closely;
- OP/ATAR achievement and performance trajectory is monitored;
- Attainment of VET competencies is tracked by teacher.
Opportunities and extension
Cairns State High offers an extensive list of sporting, cultural and academic opportunities for students in class, in the community and as part of the co-curricular program.
Students networking
Students networking, Peer Support, Student Council, Environment club, LGBTIQ+ group, Camps and Exchange, CISSA/JSS.
Futures and options
- Guidance
- Individual support for students re university entry.
- Connecting to Universities and the world of work:
- VPG interviews and Work Experience
- Traineeships and Apprenticeships
- SETP process/interviews
- Certificate courses at school
- BLA Career expo, Career market, Subject trials in 7-10
- Guest speakers
- Giving feedback
- Anonymous survey and shoutouts
- Make an appointment
Connect with your preferences
values, talents and behaviours